MindSoul Brain Technologies

MindSoul Brain Technologies utilizes over 90 years of research with tens of thousands of cases towards understanding how the brain and body are able to work together to resolve emotional and physical trauma quickly, effectively, with long-lasting, permanent results.

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Metatelligence Learning System

The HealthWalk Metatellilegence Learning System is a Brain Lobe Specific learning system which teaches and supports children, students and adults of all ages to develop, repair and enhance their memory, attention, focus, cognitive function, and productivity by stimulating, revitalizing and balancing their neuro pathways.

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Emotional Imprint Resolution (E.I.R)

The power to heal physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually resides within each of us. MindSoul E.I.R.TM is facilitated through our clinically proven technology, whereby you are able to attain your ideal brain wave patterns [Esdaile State] supporting the achievement of physical, mental, emotional or even spiritual goals. In this particular mental state, the individual’s own Subconscious does the work necessary to facilitate healing and the mind is able to shift.

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